By Director’s Decree 242/2024 the Call for Competition for the allocation of the Esu Scholarships and Accommodations reserved for students enrolled/enrolling at the Conservatories and SSML for the A.A. 2024-2025…
With over 1500 beds in 15 residences and 4 guesthouses for short stays, ESU offers students a safe place to socialize and live, in order to experience the city of Padua.
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Food services
With two directly managed restaurants and 14 affiliated canteens, there is a wide variety of options to choose from. This is how ESU makes the Unipd experience accessible and tasty.
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Scholarships and open calls
Discover the calls open now and the instructions and information for applications and requirements.
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Other student services
We are available to the people who are truly at the center of the University: the students. In this section you can find out about the entire range of services made available by ESU.
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Regional tax for the right to education
ESU of Padua is the accounting agent for the Veneto Region for the collection of the regional tax from students.
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ANDISU Association
ESU Padua is an associated DSU organisation
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